Winter Online Workshops

Studies in Photography
January 14-16, (Fri-Sun) 4 PM to 5:30 PM, EST
Combination lecture/demo, while inviting generous student discussion around photo ideas, plus one homework photo per day.** All workshops will be recorded for those unable to attend. Recordings will be available for 30 days following the workshop.
Any type of drawing pad and pencil
DSLR cameras are preferred, but smartphone cameras are invited, too.
What role does design play in photographs? Gestalt laws. Gestalt Flash-drawings. How does design affect meaning in photographs and how images are read? Ansel Adams’ idea of the photographic “score” vs the “performance”.
Home work: (capture a photo, utilizing one of the gestalt pictorial laws of organization). What effects do they have on your photo?
Similar to Ansel Adams’ idea, John Berger’s “Quotation <---> Translation” continuum. Black & white, what does it suggest in photographs? Color, what does it bring to the photograph?
Home work: Create one example of the idea of quotation-translation (through cropping, conversion to b&w, application of photo presets, dodging/burning, addition/deletion of elements) in your photo. What effect do these changes have?
Genres: Portraiture | Cityscape/Landscape | Still-life/Interior | Journalistic.
Photographs with overt social concerns over and above or complimenting the design. Overt designs in photographs and/vs photographs with backstories, histories and social significances which buttress images. Can the “social” elements ever be completely eliminated from a photo?
Homework: capture one photo which represents one of the main photo genres. Does the photo mainly express thoughts/feelings about design and or does it contain backstories, extra-photographical ideas which buttress the photo?

Plant Propagation
ONE-DAY Workshop w/ Jennifer Billig
February 3 (Thursday) 5:00 PM-8:00 PM, EST
This seminar covers the basics of both sexual and asexual plant propagation. We will discuss seed starting (including different methods of meeting seed dormancy requirements), cutting propagation (leaf, stem, hardwood and softwood), and grafting, with an emphasis on low investment, low technology propagation systems that can be used in home settings, while aiming for a basic understanding of the underlying biology of plant reproduction and multiplication.

Share Your Art with Confidence & Authenticity
ONE-DAY Workshop w/ Ekaterina Popova
February 2 (Wednesday) 5:00 PM- 8:00 PM, EST
Join Ekaterina Popova and learn to share your art and welcome in more sales through timeless, simple strategies. Learn practical steps and methods for engaging with your audience and potential collectors on social media and beyond. Kat has been selling and exhibiting work for nearly a decade and is excited to share the best tips to help you feel more confident, empowered and sell more of your beautiful art, even without a gallery.

Composting Seminar
ONE-DAY Workshop w/ Jennifer Billig
February 17 (Thursday) 5:00 PM- 7:00 PM, EST
A two hour session covering why and how to recycle food scraps, yard debris, and other organic matter and turn them into a nutrient rich soil amendment. We will discuss both high and low tech DIY approaches to making compost as well as the basics of the chemical and biological processes involved in creating high quality compost.

Twilight in the Wilderness, 1860, Frederic Edwin Church (American, 1826-1900) Oil on canvas, framed: 124 x 185 x 13 cm (48 13/16 x 72 13/16 x 5 1/16 in); unframed: 101.6 x 162.6 cm (40 x 64 in). Mr. and Mrs. William H. Marlatt Fund 1965.233
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Romantic Landscape Paintings
ONE-DAY Workshop w/ Kate Nearpass Ogden
March 1 (Tuesday) 5:00 PM- 7:00 PM, EST
This art history workshop will focus on Romantic landscape paintings. Sections will feature work by artists from countries such as France, Germany, and the United States. Although the focus will be on 19th century paintings, we will also look at 20th century examples. We will consider the subjects, style, and meaning of the paintings. Presented online using Zoom, Prof. Ogden will alternate between presenting images and discussing those images with the participants either “live” or using Zoom’s “chat” feature.